no vacancy

2019 - 13 min - Fiction - Argentina
With the support of Universidad del Cine (FUC) and La Burbuja Sonido


CARLOS (42) and DARÍO (18), father and son, go together to play soccer, but nothing resembles a game-like activity. In and out of the court, Carlos seeks to impose himself by the word and the rough play. Darío controls the ball skillfully and uses silence to dodge his father’s harassment, always unhappy with his way of being. Surrounded by men competing with each other, Darío watches and seeks for himself. He still is in time to choose another path.


Directed by Daniel Katz
Screenplay: Daniel Katz
Executive Producer: Georgina Baisch and Cecilia Salim
Cinematography: Joaquín Neira
Sound Design: Nicolás Payueta
Editor: Valeria Racioppi
Production Design: Ezequiel Galeano


Mariano Sayavedra y Brian Sichel


Asterisco Film Festival 2021 Best Short Film Award